Social Media Cheat Sheet
A How-To Guide for Promoting DATALIS™ on Social Media Pages and Profiles.
DATALIS™ is a collaboration between UC San Diego, Drexel University, OCLC, and the University of New Mexico working to address “How might we help libraries collaborate to innovate professional education that impacts recruitment, growth, and retention.”
Learn more at
This program is based on the Innovation Funnel™, a model that helps groups of people create new ideas. The first stage of the process, LEARN, is a one hour interactive Zoom meeting on Wednesday, January 24th from 10:00 am – 11:00 am PT.
Social Suggestions
In order to support this event, we suggest you post a statement about the event, including hashtags, and a link to registration:
#DATALIS™ helps #libraries #innovate #education that impacts recruitment, growth, and retention. Register for the Jan 24 meeting to learn how from #experts, and #collaborate with #LIS #professionals.
Another way to build interest is to reference project partners:
How might we help #libraries collaborate to #innovate #professional #education that impacts recruitment, growth, and retention. Join #DATALIS™, a collaboration between UC San Diego, Drexel University, OCLC, and the University of New Mexico.
Sharing the value of the event to participants:
Research shows professional education can lead to an increase in job performance and opportunities. Join #DATALIS™ on Jan 24 to learn how from #experts, and #collaborate with #LIS #professionals.
You can also create messages that will resonate with your audiences, based on the information provided.
Images for Sharing
Please right-click to download these images for use in social media posts. Please refer to the copy provided above for suggestions and links to registration.

Have Questions? Need Support?
Email for more information about our program, or to request support.