Empowering Diversity in Libraries: A Collaborative Blueprint for Change
An Innovative Approach to Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion within Library Workforces
Team Six addressed a crucial challenge within the library community: fostering an inclusive environment that actively supports and increases full-time, permanent positions for underrepresented staff. Their solution emphasizes the power of collaboration both within and between institutions to create a workforce where diversity is not just welcomed but empowered.
The team’s updated problem statement focused on devising strategies to assist library recruiters and staff in transforming the library workforce to be more inclusive of underrepresented groups, thereby fostering a sense of empowerment among these staff members. Recognizing the complexities of this challenge, Team Six presented a prototype that utilizes collaboration as a key mechanism for achieving these goals.
How might we help library recruiters and staff transform the workforce to support an increase in full time, permanent underrepresented staff that feel empowered in the workplace.
Within Institutions: The team proposed the creation of identity-based employee resource groups and staff working groups with feedback loops. These initiatives aim to provide safe spaces for underrepresented staff to share their experiences and contribute to creating a culture of care and inclusiveness within the library. Additionally, the introduction of a DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) self-assessment audit, as practiced by Millie’s institution, offers a structured approach for libraries to evaluate and improve their DEI efforts.
To ensure these initiatives are sustainable, Team Six underscored the importance of identifying long-term funding sources. This is particularly crucial for transitioning short-term or unpaid roles into full-time, permanent positions that are attractive to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) staff, thereby promoting a more diverse library workforce.
Between Institutions: Expanding on the concept of collaboration, Team Six suggested leveraging identity-based interest groups within national organizations and engaging with professionals in compatible fields outside their own institutions. This broader network of collaboration could facilitate the sharing of resources, ideas, and best practices, thereby enhancing the collective capability of libraries to support diversity and inclusion. Additionally, the team advocated for cross-institutional audits and grant-funded projects as means to share resources and expertise on a larger scale.

Team Six’s presentation highlighted the essential role of collaboration in driving meaningful change within the library workforce. By encouraging both internal and external partnerships, libraries can create more inclusive environments that not only attract but also empower underrepresented staff. This approach not only benefits individual institutions but also strengthens the library profession as a whole, making it more reflective of the diverse communities it serves.
In summary, this proposes a collaborative, thoughtful, and actionable blueprint to tackle one of the library sector’s most pressing challenges. Their approach serves as a testament to the power of collective effort in fostering a more diverse, inclusive, and empowered library workforce.
Team 6 Members
Thanks to these project team members for their collaboration with DATALIS and their contributions towards innovating professional development.
- Synatra Smith
- Millie Fullmer
- Stephanie Kern
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